Cato the Elder (234–149 BCE), a Roman magistrate and orator, despised Carthage, Rome’s archenemy, so much so that at the end of every utterance—no matter how large or small—he said: And Carthage must be destroyed.
The baths need to be cleaned more often. And Carthage must be destroyed.
The road from Rome to Milan needs to be upgraded. And Carthage must be destroyed.
Bless you. And Carthage must be destroyed.
Cato was an ardent defender of Rome—the republic and its laws. And that makes me think of Senator Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia, who carried a pocket version of the U.S. Constitution next to his heart. Always.
Were he alive today he would end every speech in Congress, every speech at Morgan’s Grove Park, and every dedication of a public building (with his name on it, of course): And Trump must be defeated.
Today we dedicate this Shepherd University building in honor of my beloved wife, Erma. And Trump must be defeated.
Today we appoint a new postmaster in Elkins. And Trump must be defeated.
We offer this prayer in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. And Trump must be defeated.
And that makes me think that every honorable Christian left in the United States could do the same after every sermon, prayer, hymn, baptism, eucharist, confirmation, ordination, and funeral.
Amen. And Trump must be defeated.
Can you imagine such a thing?
Right. Neither can I.
Trump, however, can imagine the impossible. Losing is winning. Treason is patriotism. Convictions are victories. Lies are truth. Autocracy is democracy.
Trump thinks positively. Always.
As a young man, Trump learned “the power of positive thinking” from Norman Vincent Peale while attending Marble Collegiate Church.
(Trump adored Peale. Two of his three marriages took place in Peale’s church.)
Peale literally wrote the book on positive thinking. It was Trump’s catechism. Of course, Trump didn’t actually read the book, but he heard the mantra in sermon after sermon after sermon.
Trump never sins. He never confesses. He needs no forgiveness. Trump never loses.
The problem with positive thinking is this: It’s not neutral. It takes the disposition and intentions of the heart and forcefully concentrates them.
From an evil heart comes hatred. From a good heart comes love.
Trump has mastered positive thinking.
And Trump must be defeated.
See Paula’s photo on home page. Scroll down to “visual explorations.” Posted July 7, 2024
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