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The season of Lent has begun. I’m not giving up anything. I’m not taking on anything. I’m happy with the way I am. It took a lot of years and a lot of effort to reach this point.
I’m not smug. I’m content.
I don’t eat chocolate much. I don’t drink much. I don’t eat meat much. I don’t chew tobacco.
I don’t curse much. I don’t judge others much. I don’t hate the president anymore. I don’t hold grudges.
I love my neighbor as myself. I don’t covet my neighbor’s wife. I don’t make graven images.
I do unto others as I would have them do unto me. I love my enemies and bless those who curse me. I don’t give alms, but I do donate to nonprofits and Democratic candidates. I believe in equality and justice for all.
I render to Caesar the things that belong to Caesar and to God the things that belong to God. I pay my taxes. I remove box turtles from the road.
I don’t turn stones into bread. I haven’t sold my soul to the devil in exchange for power, glory, and dominion. I don’t leap off high cliffs expecting God to save me. I don’t believe in that kind of God. I believe in facts not fantasy, reason not religion. I believe in love.
I consider the lilies of the field and the birds of the air and don’t fret about tomorrow. I honor my parents and don’t abuse my children. I bring my pets in when it’s freezing cold.
I don’t carouse much. I rise early. I do yoga. I eat oats, nuts, and berries for breakfast. I take a nap after lunch. I bike three days a week and walk in the woods the other days. I cut and split my own firewood.
I read for an hour or so every morning. I work on my blog or my new book for a few hours. I shun Facebook. I answer emails promptly. I don’t tweet.
I observe the Sabbath.
It may be Lent but I don’t need to give up anything or take on anything. I’m happy with the way I am.
I’m not smug. I’m content.
I’m not vain. I don’t toot my own horn.
Yes, I lie.
But not much.