Goodbye, Mr. President. I did not like you. I did not like you a little. I did not like you one bit.
But now that you’re leaving I will say, I did admire a few things about you.
You’re a winner. But then, winning is a relative term. You can win the battle and lose the war. You can win the world and lose your soul.
I admired your effort. You did the best you could. But best is a relative term. Your best was not good enough for this country.
I admired your sincerity. You mean what you say and say what you mean. But then, sincerity is a relative term.
Charlie Brown lost every game he pitched and in exasperation asked his girl pal Lucy: How can I lose when I’m so sincere?
Charlie was sincere. But he was also a lousy pitcher.
I admired your authenticity. You speak from your heart. But heart is a relative term. It matters what’s in the heart.
When the Golden Calf is your idol, it turns your heart to stone. You trample over people, laws, and virtues to grasp the Golden Ring. I’m sorry your father fed you lies. (I do not admire him.)
Finally, I admired your magnetic charisma. You sure put a spell on your base. Other than the followers of Mussolini, Jim Jones, and the Philadelphia Eagles, I can’t think of any group more loyal than yours. But loyalty is a relative term.
Lemmings are loyal.
I don’t know, but I can guess that at least one lemming plunging to death over a cliff behind its revered leader thought: I should have been more skeptical.
Mr. President, you’ve lost. But it’s not as if all is lost. You can still be saved.
According to the Apostles’ Creed, Christ descended into hell to save sinners. But then, hell is a relative term.
It’s more likely you’ll go to a penitentiary. But cheer up. Think positive. It’s a great place to do penance. (Penitent-iary. Get it?)
Another good thing about going to prison is: evangelicals have a fabulous prison ministry. They’ll be there with you every day. (Be sure to take your Bible.)
And with any luck, your boy pal Jerry Falwell Jr. will be your cellmate.
Talk about winning!
You just can’t lose!
See Paula’s “Barn in the Fog” photograph on the home page.
Thanks for hopeful message! I do indeed hope we will soon be saying Good Riddance! If there is a hell, the sign on its gates must surely say Trump Hotel. But the perfect penitent-iary? I’m thinking the Gulag in Russia.
The Russian Gulag…yes, but then, hell is relative, and Putin might intervene. How about sentencing him to paint house exteriors year-round, summers in Louisiana, winters in Maine? After freezing any actual assets he may have, pay him the equivalent of minimum wage.
Trump is a narcissistic solipsist, a narcissist who does not feel that reality is external to his own mind. That would help explain his blithely amassing falsehoods. Many fact checkers have died of exhaustion. Perhaps he has been trying to live into the rubric—as a superlative—that ANYONE can become president.
As Douglas Adams once wrote, “So long and thanks for the fish!”
I hope you are right! This Sunday’s gift was a good one. Let’s hope it comes true.
Many a truth spoken in jest, and you have gifted us with many truths today. There remains a ponderous, disturbing truth that finds no humor: The millions who support him are not going to disappear on the 4th. What will they, his shadow imitators, try to “prove” as history marches forward? Their lot reflect ominous realities about where we are as a country. May the healing/wholing of this nation have already begun, or help!
Let’s hope…but as we say in Florida, “It ain’t over until the fat lady votes.”
OK OK Let say for a second Trump wins. By luck, or some other way. It’s another day, another week, another month another four years of nothing getting to save the earth, our country, our state, our soul. At least once a week we have The Devil’s Gift) to help us heal. I hope the best man win’s.
I’m enjoying the mental image of Donnie and Jerry as best buddies/cell mates in the pen. With a little bathroom cleaning duty thrown in.
Honestly, a bit too kind!