(AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now. There are gay, lesbian, and transgender children in Democratic, Republican, and independent families, some who fear for their lives. —Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde, January 21, 2025
* * *
Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde rocks—a refreshing voice speaking not only for the church and the prophetic tradition of the Bible (as did Martin Luther King Jr.) but also for the conscience of America.
Our better angels.
The bishop won accolades from people who don’t go to church and from those who don’t even like it. Even atheists gave her God a nod. Christian nationalists did not.
Budde was bold, brave, and bodacious in her address to the president during the Inaugural Prayer Service at the National Cathedral.
In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now.
Stunning! Inspirational! Compelling!
In the name of our God.
But there’s a fallacy in that.
The bishop’s God is not Trump’s god.
In the name of OUR God, Mr. President, have mercy.
Nice try.
“Our God” was a gracious and generous presumption that each honored and served the same God. But Trump wasn’t buying it. He saw right through it. Her God and his god are not the same.
Her God welcomes the stranger and tends to the least among us.
His does not.
(The Golden Calf has no heart.)
Her God is merciful.
His is ruthless.
And what does her God require of her, but “to love mercy, do justice, and walk humbly.” (Micah 6.8)
His god doesn’t require any of that. After all, his god is Mammon.
(And that’s okay. You know, the First Amendment thing.)
And what does Mammon require of him, but to love wealth, practice greed, and strut proudly.
Jesus famously said: You cannot serve God and Mammon. He didn’t say you should not; he said you could not. You gotta choose one or the other, pal.
It’s easier for a camel to squeeze through the eye of a needle than for a billionaire to enter the kingdom of heaven.
We can quote the Bible and Jesus till we’re blue in the face, but that won’t change Trump’s heart.
The Bible is a BEAUTIFUL book. I love to pose with it. But only SUCKERS AND LOSERS heed it.
Where’s the SPANISH INQUISITION when we need it?!
(BAD IDEA. We’ve got too much religious zealotry in this country already!)
She could have said, In the name of human decency….. But the tyrant would not have recognized that either.
Yes! Thank you.
Yep, human decency one would think would be enough to turn hearts.
Thank you, Pat. We have been warned by Aldous Huxley: “The thin and precarious crust of decency is all that separates any civilization, however impressive, from the hell of anarchy or systematic tyranny which lie in wait beneath the surface.”
Bishop Budde’s reference to “our God” was indeed “gracious and generous.” The context of that statement refers to Trump’s remark that he “was saved by God to make America great again.” In attempting to reach him and although she is not naive, she tried to find a common spiritual ground. You’re right; he wasn’t buying it.
Years ago, Carl Sandburg was asked, “What is the ugliest word in the English language?” His reply was swift and succinct: “Exclusive.” Trump values exclusivity, an ugly quality. Budde values inclusion, a gracious quality, especially for the marginalized and “the least of these.” Perhaps it was “a fallacy,” but in the long run this Episcopal prophet ultimately saw no boundaries, only welcome, even for him—something that this dysfunctional and sick president sadly does not see.
Beautifully said.
Aw, yes! The “golden calf.” One of the polite names that I call “Lips.” I’ll refrain from the entirety of that particular name I have for the poser president since this is a polite space. Once again, too many presume that the reality show president actually has a heart. He doesn’t. When any of us use that term, we’re talking about consciousness, awareness, and compassion. In other words, the “mercy” that Bishop Budde alluded to. Narcissistic psychopaths are incapable of possessing compassion or thinking of anyone except their own twisted, self-centered desires. (Also, dump the term “sociopath.” That’s a polite reference often used that grants too much deference to the offender-in-chief. Sometimes you just have to call it what it is.)
A Spanish Inquisition? God no! We don’t need to sign off on any more religious zealotry. We’ve got enough of a mess on our hands as it is.
Great energy in your response–loved it.
Great writing. Immediately reminded me of the Dylan song, “Gotta Serve Somebody.” It may be the Devil or it may be the Lord, but you’re gonna have to serve somebody. You can find it on YouTube.
Yes! True… & LOVE that song Michael 🎶
I’m reminded over & over again that we are each responsible for our own behaviors, including our interpretations of the bible, as well as others’ behaviors & words. When I hear words springing from love, my heart & soul say YES!! And my heart opens. When I see & hear words & behaviors springing from fear (& hate), my heart says NO!!
Welcome the stranger; help when & where you can. And if you can’t – then please, please don’t hurt. If kindness is interpreted as weakness, in some eyes; that is true blindness. I’m grateful that this is not the only world in which we live…keep on shining light in dark places – & let those who are not blind see.
Thank you Randy & all here… shine on!
The greatest gift of Bishop Budde was leadership. She modeled speaking truth to power in the face of that power. She showed us how to follow Jesus when following Jesus is difficult and very uncomfortable. She spoke her mind…and her soul humbly but with strength. Some of us never know our strength because we never test it. She showed us how to exercise divine strength. Just like home grown sweet tomatoes–you will know them by their fruits.
Thank you, Randy and Readers. As a “Budde-er” and not a “Trumper,” I heard right past “our.” One thing we can always praise is the right action of inclusivity. Beautiful Budde. Woe betides the end that awaits this souless prez with a dead heart and uncomprehending mind.
Thank you, Ardyth. As we say, “I feel ya.”
There is likely a vast number of folks living in a virtual refugee camp between Old Testament and New Testament, between a perceived jealous/demanding God and a loving/forgiving God. I cast my lot with Pat in that human decency should suffice in this instance. Adding “under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954 was a bad idea, as it stoked the fires of fear in the guise of anti-communism. The peddlers of fear in our times are hoping to win by default when decency takes a holiday.
Yes, Jim. Thank you.
The 47th reminds me of Abigail’s husband, Nabal, (I Samuel 25) and we can watch for the same conclusion, but the 47th wife is not Abigail. She is more like a Mrs. Nabal. Sadly, I doubt the 47th VP would be a big improvement. 🙁
👍 Virginia.
Been busy. Replying to this week’s, excerpt. y’all did well. I always appreciate all the comments. Yet, it’s only been two weeks and the man has wreaked havoc at home , among our neighbors and around the world. Most recently , he has allowed his sycophants (or perhaps they are truly puppet masters and he the puppet ) to infiltrate our most private and supposedly secure financial and personal databases. To what end? How do I explain this breach of confidence to an adult son? How do you explain it to anybody? I know I am not imagining this, but people continue to support the insanity. Indeec, we need the Spanish inquisition or the biggest goddamned magic wand in the world to fix this mess. In the interim, I am doing all I can to encourage my elective representatives to do all they can to stand and oppose and expose the lies. It is one thing to make a fool of yourself. It’s another thing for your president to make a fool of your country and of you.
Good sources: Jen rubin and norm eisen of The Contrarian. Paul Krugman. Heather Cox Richardson.
On a calmer note , following the methodist liturgy for this Sunday preaching on 1Corinthians etc and love in action : our wonderful accompanists played Beatles “All You Need Is Love”. ❤️
Organ and piano.
The Spanish Inquisition?
NOBODY expects that!