Five years ago, I swore I’d never write about my grandson ever again after the incident I related in Cowshit.
As you may recall, I picked him up in Boonsboro to spend the day at our house. First, we went through the car wash (“Smells like cow shit in here!”). Next, I parked at Food Lion.
Wait here. Back in a jiffy. Only need bananas.
Aren’t you forgetting something?
No. All I need is bananas.
What about the law?
(Geez Louise. How does a four-year-old know it’s against the law to leave a child unattended in a car?!)
I swore I’d never write about that kid again. But then, a kid is never the same kid twice.
Last week, he spent a day at our house. His uncle took him to the Potomac River. Later, when we crossed the bridge on the way back to his house, I pointed out that the Potomac ran under this bridge.
I know. I was in it today.
Well, did you know you can’t step into the same river twice?
That’s not true. I did. More than twice.
No, you didn’t. Not according to Heraclitus.
Who’s Heraclitus?
He was a Greek philosopher. He lived 3,000 years ago.
Well, he’s wrong.
Do you know everything?
No, but I know a lot.
A lot isn’t everything. Heraclitus knew more than you. You can’t step in the same river twice, even if its name is the same each time.
That’s not true.
It is. But it’s a riddle.
I like riddles.
This is a tough one. Think on it, and I’ll call you in a couple days to see if you figured it out.
I already have.
The water keeps changing so the river’s not the same.
WOW. That’s right. Heraclitus also said you can’t say the same word twice, but let’s leave that alone for now.
Three days later, the kid’s back at my house.
Hey, Grandy. I got a riddle for you.
Okay. Let me hear it.
There are 30 cows and 28 goats. How many didn’t?
Huh?! That doesn’t make sense.
Think on it. I can call you in a few days.
No. Tell me now. I give up.
How so?
There are 30 cows and 28 goats. How many didn’t? Get it?
30 cows. 20 ATE goats. Do the math: Ten didn’t.
I’m not writing about that kid ever again.
See Paula’s photo on the home page. Posted June 2, 2024.
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