Last Wednesday I watched the impeachment hearing wall to wall. I didn’t mean to, but I did.
I meant to take a peek and then get back to drumming my fingers on the desk as I do every Wednesday, thinking up a blog topic. But I couldn’t take my eyes off those two unflappable witnesses standing up (while sitting down) for the integrity and professionalism of their service on behalf of the USA. WOW.
I’m guessing the State Department was flooded with applications the next day. I want to be like them! I want to be one of them!
Diplomats like that should be paraded out before every NFL game. USA!!! USA!!!
Should be. But won’t be. Instead such civil servants are trashed.
I’ve been watching this White House every day for three years. I don’t mean to, but I do. I can’t stop myself.
I guess I’m hopelessly enthralled by porn, palace intrigue, incestuous perversion, backstabbing, decapitations, blood curdling battles, and White Walkers. I thought Game of Thrones was over, but I guess not.
I’m exhausted. And yet. And yet like a fool, I keep returning to watch—as a dog returns to its own vomit (Proverbs 26:11).
Methinks yon Randall should cut himself a break!
Thanks for your concern. I am looking into a 30-day detox/rehab program.
Two of my friends wore pearls in support of Maria Yovanovitch on Thursday. Maybe we should all put on our best clothes, the men wear bow ties and the women wear pearls, or vice versa, as an act of support for these smart people.
What a great idea for expressing solidarity with our beleaguered diplomatic corps. Good time to own a bow-tie or pearls franchise.
I think the men could wear pearls too. Loved your blog. RIchard and I also cannot avert our attention.
It was indeed a spectacle on many levels, indicating to me that the road back to “normalcy” in American politics or the myth of normalcy that we thought we once knew is growing dimmer. We are all in a car being driven by a Dad who will not stop to ask for directions. The roadmaps of Democracy, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, are folded and stashed away in the glovebox. The children are in the backseat making faces at one another, arguing about how much space they have, clueless it seems to the reality that all aboard are speeding toward an unknown destination.
Some people should never be allowed to even get behind the wheel.
“I can’t figure out if its the end or beginning, but the train has its brakes on and the whistle is screaming!” from Terrapin Station by Jerry Garcia and Robert Hunter.
Try this one: “There’s a monster on the loose, he’s got our heads into a noose and we just sit there watching!” from Monster by John Kay (Steppenwolf).
We have to watch. I don’t see anything in the Second Article of The Constitution that says the president is ordained with unlimited power. Thanks go out to a memo from the DOJ for that construction.
I agree. We must be vigilant. And I guess that means keeping an eye on this White House. But it is nauseating. Maybe we can take turns.
We can’t help but watch, at a distance, this crouching, convulsing cur. But unlike his “base”, we refuse to lap up his constantly regurgitated, 3-year-old puke.