I told my friend I was bracing for the Man from Mar-a-Lago’s victory in 2024.
That’s not going to happen, he said. Why are you bracing for it?
Because I don’t want to be blindsided as I was in 2016. I’ve got a-fib. My heart can’t take an unexpected blow like that again. If I survived, I couldn’t live here anymore. I’d seek asylum.
(Elon, Elon, wait, please wait. I wanna be a Martian too.)
My friend shook his head.
Why do you think Biden will lose?
Because the polls show him behind. Six months ago the disgraced former president’s ratings were slipping even among Republicans. Now they’re soaring. And that’s just after indictments. Wait until he’s found guilty and sentenced. He’s unstoppable. He’s like the Terminator.
Oh, stop! He’s not unstoppable. Biden stopped him in 2020.
True. But this time I fear voters will SERIOUSLY consider Biden’s age, his gimpy gait, halting speech, and wizened face and then look at his vice president and ask: “If Biden doesn’t last, do I want Kamala Harris running the country?”
The vice presidential candidate has never affected the outcome of a US election.
I know. But this time the vice presidential candidate could make THE difference. I mean, what if the Man from Mar-a-Lago selects a suave, smart, and sane running mate?!
And who exactly would that be?
Oh, yeah, good point.
Look, I’ve followed every presidential contest since I was 12. Consider this: Neither candidate can win without the Independent vote. In 2020 Independents weren’t enthused with Biden, but they despised The Ogre so much they voted overwhelmingly for Old Joe.
Good point.
So it will come down, again, to the Independents. Ask yourself this question: What might win any of them over? The Man from Mar-a-Lago’s gleeful endorsement of overturning Roe v. Wade? His instigation of the January 6 insurrection? His grumpy old man mug shot?
Yet another good point from my savvy friend.
Biden may be old, but he’s wise. He’s experienced, introspective, restrained, cheerful, and humble. The other isn’t. And that becomes more obvious by the day. I’m certain most people in this country still prefer wisdom, grace, stability, and sanity over their opposites.
And just like that, I felt a whole lot better.
I thanked my friend for relieving my anxiety.
You’re welcome.
And then he told me he predicted Hillary would win handily in 2016.
See Paula’s “Dahlia” on the home page.